Advancing our strategy

Anthos is dedicated to comprehensively understanding our impact across the value chain, leveraging our core values to drive ambitious responsible investing goals and strive to foster positive change in society and the environment.

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RI ambitions and targets

With our three core values as our compass, our RI ambition aims to understand the double materiality of our investment activities: understanding and mitigating the risks coming from the ESG issues on our investments; and aiming for our investments to have less negative impact and more positive impact in the world and society.

In 2020, Anthos set a number of ambitions to help us achieve our overall RI ambition. In 2023, we reviewed the effectiveness of these ambitions and the methodologies that underpin them. On the whole, we believe that the ambitions we set to be achieved in 2025 are still serving the purpose of steep learning, and further integrating ESG and managing sustainability risks across our investment processes.

Where do we stand after the consolidation year?


Climate: net zero by 2040

  • TCFD reporting: since 2023, we have incorporated this reporting into this Responsible Investment report.
  • Creation of in-depth climate handbook, with asset-class specific action plans.
  • Emission calculation methodologies for most asset classes.
  • Monitoring dashboards for equities and fixed income portfolios.


Leadership: highest level PRI

  • Achieved 4 stars across all categories.18


Training: 100% staff trained on RI

  • Achieved, including 2-day human rights workshops for all investment teams, TCFD governance, SFDR awareness, and IMM for SDGs (Duke uni), and various PRI academy trainings.


ESG Integration: all funds assessed on ESG

  • At the end of 2023, assets under management not covered by our assessment <1%.
  • The scorecard is now a mandatory step in the DD proces.
  • Scorecard quality review by RI monitored by Risk in a dashboard.
  • Research on availability and quality of look-through ESG data.


Stewardship 100%

  • Engaged with nearly 100% in-scope external managers.19


Exclusion: <5%

  • Less than 5% exposure to exclusions list (equities and fixed income).20


Negative impact: <5%


Positive impact: >25%

  • Using the IMP methodology, allocation to external funds classified as Bs and Cs is ~12%. Allocation to M/Ds is also ~12%. This reflects availability in the market and also reflects the data challenges present in absolute return strategies.21


SDG alignment: map our AuM

  • Using the SDI AOP platform, we integrate SDG alignment data analysis for equities and fixed income portfolios.22

Turning ambitions into actions

The ambitions we set a few years ago when determining our sustainability strategy are outlined in our RI policy. When setting ambitions and targets, it is important to set them at the right level where you want the outcome to occur, and the change is only possible if the action is performed by the right people in the right place. As a fund-of-funds manager, we believe that we can make an impact, and this is how we try to describe the various types of activities, ambitions, and targets we have set that help us influence positive change in the world:

Figure 4: Anthos value chain framework

18For further details (see As Anthos).

19For details about methodologies, including what is in and out of scope (see As Anthos).

20For details about our 2023 exclusions reporting (see Underlying assets).

21Using the IMP methodology, “Bs and Cs” refer to funds that aim to benefit stakeholders or contribute to solutions. M/Ds refer to funds that may/do cause harm. For more details about the IMP methodology (see As Anthos).

22For more information on the SDI AOP platform and our alignment with the SDGs (see Underlying assets).

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Responsible investment across the value chain