Boudewijn de Haan

Managing Director Equities

Lennart Frijns

Managing Director Equities

We are pleased to report that 82% of the equity portfolio is invested in funds that are acting to avoid harm to the environment and society. Additionally, 19% of the equity portfolio is invested in funds that actively benefit stakeholders or contribute to solutions for environmental and social challenges (the remaining 2% not assessed is allocated to an ETF, which is out of scope). See Figure 10.

Drilling into the details

One fund that actively contributes to combatting climate change is a global, concentrated equity fund focusing on decarbonisation by targeting companies with strong growth potential, sustainable returns, and competitive advantages. Examples include Novozymes, which manufactures enzymes for various applications to reduce emissions, increase energy efficiency, and improve yields; and Schneider Electric, which specialises in providing solutions for a low-carbon, electrified, digitised, and decentralised power grid. In 2022, the estimated carbon reduction for the portfolio companies totalled 1.5 billion tonnes (based on financial year 2021 data), equivalent to removing approximately 15 million fully-loaded cargo ships’ worth of carbon emissions from the atmosphere in a single year.

Another fund in which we invest benefits stakeholders by applying stringent ESG criteria, resulting in a significantly lower carbon emissions intensity for the portfolio compared to the reference universe. For instance, the fund has a robust carbon-related exclusions policy and filtering process, aligning with our own exclusions policy. Portfolio companies include Big Tech US firms considered leaders in their climate action plans like Microsoft and Visa Inc, and European companies such as SAP SE, which also focuses on reducing carbon emissions. In 2023, we wanted to investigate whether our original assessment of this fund’s sustainability profile was too conservative. We worked closely with our RI team and the manager to assess the underlying assets’ alignment to the SDGs using a specialist data platform. We also assessed the underlying assets’ potential negative impact by looking at third-party data, such as “known controversies” and the Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) statements, which are a part of SFDR reporting. We concluded that this fund was outperforming its peer benchmark significantly, as a result of their stricter selection criteria.

We are committed to supporting managers whose performance aligns with our ambition to achieve strong financial and impact results. However, we recognise the need to balance risk and protect our clients’ interests. Therefore, we rigorously assess each fund’s financial and sustainability performance during selection and continuously monitor it post-onboarding. While we aim to support impact funds, we may adjust our focus to navigate various market conditions. In the long run, we believe these funds will do well in line with the transition to a more sustainable economy.

Progressing with our climate strategy

As part of our climate strategy, we are pleased to have reduced the carbon intensity of our equity portfolio investments by approximately 13 tons of greenhouse gas emissions for every € million invested compared with the 2019 baseline year. This reduction contributes positively to our carbon footprint and aligns with our commitment to be net zero across investments by 204024.

The majority of the funds in our portfolio are funds that aim for superior risk-adjusted returns that are also acting to avoid harm by integrating ESG factors into investment decisions, having robust exclusion policies, and increasingly, setting net-zero targets (Figure 10). For example, one fund we recently onboarded is a Japanese equity fund investing in companies that leverage their capital and intangible assets to maximise cost efficiency and earnings potential. Portfolio companies include Canon, Sanrio, and Orix.

We use our proprietary RI Scorecard to evaluate and monitor ESG integration across all our managers. (Figure 9) We are pleased to report that 93% of our equities portfolio consists of leaders in ESG integration and sustainability risk management. Specifically, 60% of underlying funds have leading climate approaches, 82% have set net-zero ambitions by 2050 or sooner, and 48% exclude fossil fuels25.

ESG and IMP assessments


ESG assessment









Not Reviewed


Figure 9: ESG assessment


IMP assessment

Act to avoid harm


Benefits stakeholders


Contributes to solutions


May/does cause harm


Not Reviewed


Figure 10: IMP assessment

Total carbon emissions (Scope 1 + 2)


Economic intensity

tCO₂e/€m invested­


Anthos equity

Figure 11: Anthos equity carbon emissions vs benchmark

Carbon metrics ©2023 MSCI ESG Research LLC. Reproduced by permission.

Benchmark: MSCI World ACWI

Reflects reported and estimated emissions.

For details about methodologies (see Our commitment to Climate and Human Rights and appendix).

Source: Anthos Fund & Asset Management. As at 31 December 2023. For definitions and methodologies see As Anthos. Reflects total AuM of the asset class.

24For details about our equities carbon emissions and methodologies (see the relevant chapter and refer to the appendix).

25Further information is available on request.

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